Timothy Patrick Murphy Home Page
Sam's Son
The Mickey Trotter Story
Timothy Patrick Murphy Photos
DALLAS Episodes
A promising college freshman drowns in an initiation stunt to gain entry to a fraternity. Timothy Murphy plays 'Nick',
the student's younger brother who believes that his mother wishes HE had been the one to drown. Whatever he does to try and
cheer his mother up, she tells him that his dead brother would have done things differently. Nick threatens to leave home,
not go to college and instead get a job in Eureka. His father tells his mother she should persuade him to stay, but she is
reluctant. Eventually she goes for counselling, and, just as Nick is about to leave, tells him she wishes he would stay. Timothy
Murphy is quite good in this, even if his eyes are permanently watering and red! He always has the ability to make you feel
sorry for him, this was all part of his on-screen charm. "HOTEL" - aired in 1984.
Anyone familiar with the series "Hotel" will know that each episode often featured more than one storyline,
as well as the general background story of the hotel. This is probably one of Timothy P. Murphy's least interesting roles,
in that he does not get much to do! He plays a young law student called 'Andy Harrison' (who just happens to be permanantly
dressed in a suit, unlike most of his other roles,) who arrives at the hotel to join his mother and her new boyfriend, whom
he takes a dislike to. He is suspicious of the boyfriend, and things come to a head when he opens his mother's bedroom door
to see her injecting a substance into her arm. The look on his face would have been worth photographing if I had a camera,
but no such luck! Anyway, his mother tries to pull the wool over his eyes by telling him she is injecting B12. 'Andy', however,
is no fool. "B12 doesn't go in your arm!" he tells her, then has a heart to heart, telling her not to destroy her
life. Although worth watching just to see Timothy P. Murphy (and I have to confess that is the sole reason I watched it, video-ed
it and watched it countless times since), the person who is interested purely in his acting career and not his cute, loveable
on-screen persona and looks, would find this rather dull. He really did do better things than this. "CHiPS"
- 'In The Best Of Families' - aired in 1982. This is more like it!! Fans of Mickey Trotter would love this outing,
the best guest role I've ever seen Timothy Murphy in! He looks absolutely GORGEOUS too!! He plays 'Alex', who, along with
his brother, is a juvenile delinquent. Together, they steal a CHP car, driving it along the wrong side of the Semi-Valley
Freeway. Then, after stopping in the middle of the road, they try and escape. It turns out that their mother is planning a
crime spree. Another CHP car is stolen by the brothers, who escape again. After a CHP uniform is stolen from the cleaners,
the kids are in business, dressing up as cops and driving a fake cop car. They force an armoured car to detour. Their mother
cuts the aerial and the lads fill the car with bees. When the guards get away, the kids help themselve to the money, before
the REAL cops come in and catch them. This really is one to watch. I watched it so many times on video, along with
"DALLAS", "Quincy" and "Hotel" I knew the scripts off by heart. Thank you to all the
people who have visited this site, at the moment I am unable to add any new updates, I keep hoping to see more of Timothy
Patrick Murphy's work on TV, but it never seems to happen!!

ABOVE: "The look on 'Andy's' face" in a scene from "Hotel". This photo was kindly supplied by John Leonard.
BELOW: Another scene from "Hotel". Kindly supplied by John Leonard.
